My Blocks In My Life Are Often Driven By A Fear Of Failure

by Philip

<i>Too often, our greatest fear keeps us stuck for way to long.  If you are struggling with the fear of failure, just know that life can never truly be perfect...there WILL be ups and downs.</i>

Too often, our greatest fear keeps us stuck for way to long. If you are struggling with the fear of failure, just know that life can never truly be perfect...there WILL be ups and downs.

I can speak from experience that there are small-blocks in my life that are not letting me live my life the way I would like.

At the age of twenty I am scared of moving on and actually getting a job, more than anything I'm afraid that once I make the change I will be stuck.

Right now, I work in a grocery store as a clerk (and I have done this for the past three years).

I go to Georgia State University with a Spanish major and International Business...but I have yet to move on.

For me, my biggest fear is the fear of rejection and the fear of failure.

Right now I struggling with going out for job interviews.

If, by chance, I don't get the job that I interview for, I don't want to be seen as a failure.

But, right now, things are starting to change for me.

I realize that sometimes our greatest fear will stand in the way of our progress.

For a while now, I've reflected on the quote: "It is better to have loved and lost than to never have loved at all."

And though the quote is talking about love, I use it to apply to my life.

It helps me see that our life can never truly be perfect and there will be ups and downs.

In fact, whenever I really want something and I'm afraid to go for it, the quote above brings me strength.

I've also been moved by the quote: "You will miss 100% of the shots that you never make."

It makes me realize how disempowering our greatest fear can actually be.

It reminds me that we are at risk failure during those times we DON'T at least try.

As you can see, in the past, I have allowed the power of fear to have to much control of my life.

Now I realize that I must try to move on without allowing a fear of failure to stand in my way.

To make it through life, I will need view life as a series of falling down and getting back up.

Life is too short to stay allow a fear of failure to prevent you from moving forward.

Work on the small stuff that's gotten in the way of living the type of life that you really want.

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