by J. J.
Ready to start your own creativity-based business? Learn from my gift basket business example: Starting (and keeping) the customers excited about what you do is REALLY what it's all about.
In fact, I had one of the largest market segments in my city.
Invariably this woman would focus on the joys of the beauty of a basket - how much fun it would be.
I would smile and nod.
The gift basket business she saw was because, for me, starting a gift basket business entailed much more than creating a gift basket.
I was creating a beautiful one-of-a-kind product and building it hundreds of times.
In my way of thinking - I was Ford on the assembly line.
Every single offering had to look as good as its predecessor and the next one.
The creativity - the rush of fun - quickly disappears when you build it 200, 300 or 400 times.
But the reality of the business means that if you are successful - you will build it 200 or more times.
Every single bow is the most important bow that I made.
There was no room for boredom and shoddy workmanship.
They did not see this as a mass offering - they saw the single gift they received.
And the caring and presentation had to be perfect each and every time.
Let me ask you, when starting your business, how will you factor in the assembly-line factor?
- If you are successful - how will you handle the repetition?
- This is the largest issue when starting a creative business.
- Can you do the same thing over and over?
- Do you want to?
Successfully getting your gift basket business off the ground requires starting a habit needed for success: salesmanship.
You know, actually designing your gift basket business approach to factor in selling it to customers, businesses, and all interested parties.
How will you handle that?
- Are you willing to discuss your design - change it to meet the demands of your client?
Or are you going to be one of those creative people who will not budge?
- If you are an acknowledged expert in the field, then you are on solid ground and will not have to defend your design.
- But...if you are a gift basket or creative business owner, then understand that Salemanship 101 is a crucial part of your success strategy.
- You will have to sell it, and prove your talent over and over until it catches on.
- There were hundreds of gift basket people waiting in the wings - ready to pounce on that client.
Most of my clients stayed with me for years - but each year I made a fresh presentation and each presentation was just as important as the very first one.
Creativity on demand is hard - but very worthwhile work.
If you don't feel well - the job still needs you to be on deck and excited.
Approach each project with a sense of wonder, creativity, and a sense of freshness.
You will have to keep yourself directed and motivated.
You will need to be original and fresh and creative on a schedule.
Starting A Gift Basket Business Is One Of The Most Rewarding Careers You'll Ever Choose...But Only If You Do It Right.
Click Here To Discover How To Start A Successful (And Profitable) Gift Basket Business!