by Jason
(Akron, OH)
Teaching music was my passion - so I bypassed music teaching jobs and started a business teaching music on my own. But then I made a music, I pulled out of the business too soon, and now I regret not staying in it for the long haul. Learn from my story, and do whatever it takes to make your business happen.
I really loved the teaching - students can be so inspiring, and there's nothing as satisfying as working with someone to accomplish something difficult and then seeing their justified pride when they achieve it!
I miss that feeling; it's not one you get in an office job, like I have now.
I'm not an outgoing person by nature, and I had a hard time forcing myself to get out there and give my business the credit it deserved.
My music teaching business required that I find a way to keep business coming my way.
I was a really good teacher, and I think I didn't do myself justice in speaking with local school personnel and parent groups and in my print advertising.
If I had it to do over again, I'd do a few things differently.
If I could identify their strengths and weaknesses, I would be able to learn from each, and be more confident about my own approaches.
Once you've gained a body of customers who know you and your work and like it, they become a de facto advertising committee.
People talk to each other, and tell each other about services they have come to rely on and whose approach they admire.
If I did a little every day, it wouldn't seem like such a daunting chore.
- Before, I would set aside an entire day now and then to go places and speak, put ads up in local businesses and schools, and make phone calls.
- That was too much concentration on an uncomfortable activity.
And I really miss not giving it a true chance to survive.
Here's to your success at finding a way to push your passion into a business!
Be encouraged to keep doing your thing!
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