INFOSY'S GANG: When looking at what makes entrepreneurs famous, successful, and great, it helps to look at the story of how they become the great entrepreneur that they have turned out to be.
But here's what distinguishes an entrepreneur from the rest of the pack: the entrepreneur takes a concentrated stab at making his dreams of starting his own business a reality.
Entrepreneurs are normally hardworking, innovative thinker,
They are a cut above ordinary because they show interest in the competition and are always innovating in the market.
They don't just talk...they do.
They take risks.
Meet Mr.Narayanmurty.
He founded India Infosys in the late 1970s when he made a decision to quit his job as research assistant and started his own software business.
So Mr. Narayanmurty saw an opportunity and he took a course of action to position himself as a leader in that opportunity.
But here's his challenge: Mr. Narayanmurty he had a vision with zero capital.
And he recognized that he vision without capital would get him nowhere.
And through enormous interest and hard work, his hard work began to pay off.
By 1983 Infosys was able to get their first client, MICO, in Bangalore.
Entrepreneurs show avid interest in their business and try to expand their zone of operation in business fast.
When they recognize that they have problems, they don't try to go at it alone.
They find people who will join their team and then they spell out their vision clearly and succinctly.
This goes a long way to ensure perpetuity of the company.
Otherwise, the company may fail after the entrepreneur who started the business passes away.
Entrepreneurs flourish in a free economy.
They are stifled in a State run economy.
Is entrepreneurship inherited...or is it something that is picked up along the way.
Here's my take on it: entrepreneurs are partially born and then made.
Then they acquire skills from the environment and then succeed.
They give employment to themselves as well as to millions of people.