The Bottomline To Business Success.
Discover The Baby Steps
To Business Success.
Every journey begins with a single step. Now it's
your turn to take the necessary baby
steps towards business success.
Business success rarely happens overnight.
Your business is not something that is built overnight - it normally takes a new business at least three years to become a stable entity.
Thus, it helps to take baby steps to business success.
This means that you've got to design your business with "an end of it all" perspective.
Baby steps to business success requires that you ask yourself the following question:
At the end of all of your blood, sweat and tears, what is it that you want to be said about how you used your life and your business to impact the lives of others?
Think about it this way.
- What is the story that you want other's to tell about your business?
- What is the story that that you will tell others to help them "get" what it is that you do, and what it is that so special about your business that warrants their attention.
Story is all that your customers will take away from you in the end.
Sure, they may walk away with some kind of product or service offering.
- But over time, that product or service offering will fade out of existence.
- And then...all that they are left with is the story, the memories of what it is that your business did for them.
At the end of all you do, story is what your customers will walk away with.
Taking baby steps to business success requires that you take the time to figure out the story of your business, it's impact, and how it operates in the background to ensure that it makes a defined impact in the lives of your targeted customer base.
- Story is a powerful tool in helping you to figure out exactly what it is that you want your business to do, and how you want it to grow.
- Whether it was good, bad, or ugly...your customers will use the power of story to tell others about the interactions with you.
Your customers leave your business with a story that connects them to the impact (or the non-impact) that your business had in their lives.
- They won't remember a lot about you, your process, your mission statement, or even the finer details of what's contained on your website or your business cards.
- They WILL remember some story that connects them to you and the bottom-line impact that your business makes.
- And believe it or not, they will spread the story of what they remember most, best, and least about your business, your product line, and your services.
- They will use the power of story to either persuade or (dissuade) themselves to give your business another try.
Don't neglect the power of story when starting your new business.
Your baby steps to business success requires that you channel your passion into something real, something cherished, and something that is actually used (and reused) by your targeted customers.
- You want to ensure that you make your business something that makes an impact, sustains your life, your lifestyle...and makes you think, ""ahhh...this was ALL worth it."
- And the only way you will know that it was ALL worth it is to spend time upfront defining what it is that your customers need to walk away with.
When starting your business, take these baby steps to business success to heart.
- Get intimately acquainted with your customer's wants, needs, desires and frustrations.
- Then fervently design your business to meet and exceed their expectations...and then allow them to walk away with a story and an experience that strengthens their life.
Use your humble beginnings to figure out exactly how it is that you would like that story to be remembered.
And then begin taking baby steps to business success to begin building your business to support THAT story that will carry your business into it's successful existence.
Here's to your success in designing a business that customers will absolutely crave!
Signed: Latarsha Lytle, MBA, business strategist, motivational coach, and your biggest fan!
Browse Below To Find Additional Baby Steps You Can Take Towards Business Success.