8 Tips For Those Looking For A Business To Start From Home And Thinking Of Starting Their Own Home Baking Business

by Lisa P.

I started my own home baking business, and I'm glad I did.  Below I give you 8 tips that will help you if you are looking for a business to start from home.

I started my own home baking business, and I'm glad I did. Below I give you 8 tips that will help you if you are looking for a business to start from home.

The Reason I Started Looking For A Business TO Start From Home Was Because I Got Tired Of Working For Other People

I started my own home baking business when I got tired of working for others, in a stuffy office on their time and making what they said I would make. Having your own business allows you to make what you want to make, whatever you set your goals to be.

Tip 1 - When Looking For The Type Of Business To Start From Home, A Home Baking Business Was An Obvious Choice For Me Because I Love To Bake

I always loved to bake and a friend of mine had gone to cooking school and we decided together to start a home baking business.

I took some cake decorating classes and practiced a lot with books on my own to get really good at that part. She was the baker.

Tip 2 -If You Are Looking For A Business To Start From Home, Make Sure You Understand The Licensing Requirements

It is hard to get your own business up and running especially if you want to be legit and have a license. That was the most frustrating part.

Tip 3 -Also, When Looking For A Business To Start From Home - Think Of It As An Investement - Don't Be Frustrated If You Don't Make A Lot Of Money At The Beginning

I was also surprised at how long it took to start making money. We had to pay for a lot of equipment, license fees, and supplies, and pay for a little advertising like business cards and some fliers and small add in the local papers.

Tip 4 -Also, Start Talking To People About What You Are Doing, Over Time Your Home Based Business Start-Up Will Begin To Pick Up

  • Once we talked some friends into hiring us for a few things like cakes for showers and birthday parties they would give our card to anyone that showed interest.
  • We also made a facebook page for our home baking business and all of our friends liked the page and passed it on to their friends.

Tip 5 -The Coolest Thing About Finding A Business To Start From Home, Is That You Have Control Over Your Time - And Your Business

  • The biggest benefit to having your own business is that you don't have to take jobs that you don't want.
  • However, on the flip side, being too selective when you start initially is not a good way to do business.

Tip 6 -Be Patient With Your Home Based Business Start-Up, You Will Have To Overcome Problems Along The Way

While I love the fact that I started my own home baking business, there have been problems along the way. It took awhile to make money and it seemed to take forever to start getting clients.But once we did word of mouth really spread.

Tip 7 -Also, When Looking For A Home Based Business Start Up Idea, Make Sure It Fits Your Life (And Your Space)

When starting my own home based baking business, I couldn't imagine doing it if I had little kids at home. Mine are all in school during the day and go to bed at night at a fairly early time - which is usually when I do my decorating.

Also, make sure that you have adequate space to run your business in your home.

  • For example, if you are thinking about starting a home based baking business, then assess whether your kitchen is adequately sized to run and grow your home baking business.

  • If you do not have a large kitchen, then plan out how you will manage the demands of your business in the size of your kitchen - this type of business makes for a tight squeeze in smaller kitchens.

Tip 8 -When Looking For A Business To Start From Home, Be Prepared To Deal With Taxes

When you have your own business you also have to be mindful of your taxes and business expenses. You need to be sure to keep receipts for everything.

We hired a great accountant to do our end of the year taxes, I don't know that we could have learned all of that on our own.

My Bottom-Line - I've Enjoyed Starting My Own Home Baking Business, And, If You Know Have The Discipline It Takes To Start Your Own Business From Home, Then I Say, 'Go For It'

I recommend starting your own baking business to anyone who loves to bake and wants their own business. To get our business started, we looked at what would sell, and then launched our business from there.

We really didn't read a lot of books or seek out too many resources - we studied our competition, took a chance, and we were in a business.

The only books that we got were ones about getting licensed. I also got decorating books and practiced a lot on my own.

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