How to Write A Mission Statement That Reveals Who You Really Are.

How to Write A Mission Statement That Reveals Who You Really Are.

The Real You longs to be free. Learn how
to write your mission statement so
the Real You gets her wish.

Your Goal Is To Get Clearer On Who You Really Are

Right now, you may be struggling with knowing who you are really are. Your goal is to get clearer on who you are by focusing on those things that make you unique and special.

One way to gain a better focus of who you are is to focus on how to write a mission statement that discloses who you really are and how you fit into the world at large.

  • It’s really about getting a handle on your life purpose - there’s a greater meaning, fulfillment, and purpose available for your life.

  • It’s just a matter of exploring how to write a mission statement that highlights those things reveal your core mission in life.

Focus on Collecting Clues To Your Mission

One you can focus on how to write a mission statement that highlights your true self is to focus your attention on collecting clues to your mission.

After you have collected these clues, you will be able to put them together, giving you insight into how to write your mission statement form a clearer picture of who you are.

Below, are the instructions that guide you how to write the mission statement that expresses the Real You.

  • This is a six day exercise.

  • You will have one question per day to focus on.

  • On that day, you will focus on that one question only.

  • Do not move forward without attempting to answer each question.

  • Because the questions as a whole lead you towards creating a mission statement that reveals the Real You.

  • Each day, write your answers on a sheet of paper that you dedicate for that day.

  • After you finish exercise for the day, put the completed sheets in place where they can rest until Day 6.

  • Each day, you should awaken to a fresh question - do not focus on the question from the previous day.

  • On Day Six, collect all of your sheets and complete the exercise that is presented on that day.

Below Are Your Day One – Day Six Goals

  • Day 1. What do you complain about the most? What is it that you wish somebody would do something about?

  • Day 2. What 3 pearls of wisdom do you wish everyone could understand about life?

  • Day 3. What do you want your life to stand for?

  • Day 4. Who, do you think you were put on this earth to help?

    • Is it a group of people?
      (e.g. children, adults, women, all people, elderly, substance abusers, the handicapped, teens, animals, veterans, the homeless, etc.)

    • Or is it a cause?
      (e.g. child protection, animal rights, the environment, spirituality, politics, non-profit organizations, women’s, men’s, or any one’s issues)

    • Or is it a field? )

      (e.g. journalism, travel, finance, business, fashion, art, gardening, cooking, food, industry, technology, etc.)

  • Day 5. What is the one thing you contribute into the lives of others before you die?

  • Day 6. Time need to combine all of your mission clues which will help you create a mission statement that gets you better acquainted with the Real You.

    My name is [INSERT YOUR NAME HERE] and my life has it’s own unique and special purpose.

    I have been blessed with the ability to notice how [ENTER DAY ONE's RESPONSE HERE].

    I have been blessed with the wisdom to realize [ENTER DAY TWO'S RESPONSE HERE] .

    My life was crafted for a special purpose and that purpose is to [ENTER DAY THREE'S RESPONSE HERE].

    My life was made also to leave an impact on the lives of others. I have a special place in my heart for people who [ENTER DAY FOUR'S RESPONSE HERE].

    It is my goal, and my mission in life to [ENTER DAY FIVE'S RESPONSE HERE] before I leave this earth.

    Congratulations! You have learned how to write a mission statement that reveals the Real You.

    Now, it's time that you make your goal of living out your mission and life purpose a reality.

    Click here to learn the secret ingredient to creating the life you deserve to live.

    Read More Below....Time To Release The Real You!


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